Create a PowerSync Cloud Instance

  1. In the Overview workspace of the PowerSync Dashboard you will be prompted to create your first instance:

If you previously created an instance, you can create a secondary instance by navigating to the Manage instances workspace and clicking on Create new instance.

  1. Give your instance a name, such as “Testing”.
  2. [Optional] You can change the default cloud region from US to EU, JP (Japan), AU (Australia) or BR (Brazil) if desired.
    • Note: Additional cloud regions will be considered on request, especially for customers on our Enterprise plan. Please contact us if you need a different region.
  3. [Optional] You can opt in to using the Beta version of the Service, which may contain early access or experimental features. Always use the Stable version in production.
  4. Click Next.

Each provider has their quirks when it comes to specifying connection details, so we have documented provider-specific instructions below.

Postgres Provider Specifics

Select your Postgres hosting provider for steps to connect your Postgres database to the newly created PowerSync instance:

For other providers and self-hosted databases:

MongoDB (Beta) Specifics

  1. Fill in your connection details from MongoDB:
    1. Copy your cluster’s connection string and paste it into the PowerSync instance URI field. PowerSync will automatically parse this URI to populate other connection details.
      • The format should be mongodb+srv://[username:password@]host/[database]. For example, mongodb+srv://admin:<db_password>
    2. Enter your database user’s password into the Password field. See the necessary permissions in Source Database Setup.
    3. Database name” is the database in your cluster to replicate.
  2. Click “Test Connection” and fix any errors. If have any issues connecting, reach out to our support engineers on our Discord server.
    1. Make sure that your database allows access to PowerSync’s IPs — see Security and IP Filtering
  3. Click “Save”.

PowerSync deploys and configures an isolated cloud environment for you, which can take a few minutes to complete.

Note: PowerSync automatically selects the “Beta” version of the Service when adding a MongoDB connection while MongoDB support is in a beta release, as updates may be made against this version more frequently.

Also see:

MySQL (Alpha) Specifics

  1. Fill in your connection details from MySQL:
    1. Name” can be any name for the connection.
    2. Host” and “Database name” is the database to replicate.
    3. Username” and “Password” maps to your Database user.
  2. Click “Test Connection” and fix any errors. If have any issues connecting, reach out to our support engineers on our Discord server.
    1. Make sure that your database allows access to PowerSync’s IPs — see Security and IP Filtering
  3. Click “Save”.

PowerSync deploys and configures an isolated cloud environment for you, which can take a few minutes to complete.

Note: PowerSync automatically selects the “Beta” version of the Service when adding a MySQL connection while MySQL support is in alpha, as updates may be made against this version more frequently.