
Version compatibility: PowerSync requires Postgres version 11 or greater.

Configuring your Postgres database with PowerSync generally involves three tasks:

  • Enable logical replication
  • Create a PowerSync database user
  • Create powersync publication

We have documented steps for some hosting providers:

For other providers and self-hosted databases:

Unsupported Hosted Postgres Providers

Due to the logical replication requirement, not all hosting providers are supported.

Notably, some “serverless Postgres” providers do not support logical replication, and are therefore not supported by PowerSync yet.

MongoDB (Alpha)

Version compatibility: PowerSync requires MongoDB version 6.0 or greater.

Permissions required - MongoDB Atlas

For MongoDB Atlas databases, the minimum permissions are:


To allow PowerSync to automatically configure enable changeStreamPreAndPostImages on replicated collections, instead use:


If you are replicating from multiple databases in the cluster, you need read permissions on the entire cluster:


Permissions required - Self-hosted

For self-hosted MongoDB, PowerSync requires the find and changeStream permissions on the database being replicated.

PowerSync also requires createCollection, dropCollection, insert, update, and remove permissions to the _powersync_checkpoints collection.


To replicate data from MongoDB to PowerSync in a consistent manner, PowerSync uses Change Streams with post-images to get the complete document after each change. This requires the changeStreamPreAndPostImages option to be enabled on replicated collections.

PowerSync supports three configuration options for post-images:

  • post_images: off: Uses fullDocument: 'updateLookup' for backwards compatibility. This was the default for older instances. However, this may lead to consistency issues, so we strongly recommend enabling postImages support instead.

  • post_images: auto_configure [Default for new instances]: Automatically configures the changeStreamPreAndPostImages option on collections as needed.

  • post_images: read_only: Uses fullDocument: 'required' and requires changeStreamPreAndPostImages: { enabled: true } to be set on every collection referenced in sync rules. Replication will error if this is not configured. Ideal when permissions are restricted.

    • To manually configure collections for read_only mode, run this on each collection:
    db.runCommand( {
     collMod: <collection>,
     changeStreamPreAndPostImages: { enabled: <boolean> }
    } )
    • You can view which collections have the option enabled using:
    db.getCollectionInfos().filter(c => c.options?.changeStreamPreAndPostImages?.enabled)

MySQL (Alpha)

This section is a work in progress. More details for MySQL connections are coming soon. In the meantime, ask on our Discord server if you have any questions.

Version compatibility: PowerSync requires MySQL version 5.7 or greater.

MySQL connections use the binary log to replicate changes.

Generally, this requires the following config:

  • gtid_mode : ON
  • enforce_gtid_consistency : ON
  • binlog_format : ROW

PowerSync also requires a user with replication permissions on the database. An example:

-- Create a user with necessary privileges
CREATE USER 'repl_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'good_password';

-- Grant replication client privilege

-- Grant access to the specific database
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON powersync.* TO 'repl_user'@'%';

-- Apply changes

Next Step

Next, connect PowerSync to your database:

Database Connection

Self-hosting: If you are self-hosting PowerSync, refer to PowerSync Service Setup next.