Custom Types, Arrays and JSON

PowerSync is fully compatible with more advanced Postgres types. Below you can find information on how to use them.

Custom Types

PowerSync treats custom type columns as text.


Postgres allows developers to create custom data types for columns. Example of creating a custom type:

create type location_address AS (
    street text,
    city text,
    state text,
    zip numeric

Sync Rules

Custom type columns are converted to Text by the PowerSync Service. A column of type location_address, as defined above, would be synced to clients as the following string:

("1000 S Colorado Blvd.",Denver,CO,80211)

It is not currently possible to extract fields from custom types in sync rules, so the entire column must be synced as text.

Client SDK


Add your custom type column as a text() column in your client-side schema definition:


Writing Changes

Write the entire updated column value using a string:

await db.execute('UPDATE todos set location = ? WHERE id = ?', [
  '("1234 Update Street",Denver,CO,80212)',


PowerSync treats array columns as JSON text. This means that the SQLite JSON operators can be used on any Array columns.

Additionally, some helper methods such as array membership are available in Sync Rules.

Note: Native Postgres arrays, JSON arrays and JSONB arrays are effectively all equivalent in PowerSync.


Array columns are defined in Postgres using the following syntax:

ADD COLUMN unique_identifiers text[];

Sync Rules

Array columns are converted to text by the PowerSync Service. A text array as defined above would be synced to clients as the following string:

["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"]

Array Membership

It's possible to sync rows dynamically based on the contents of array columns using the IN operator. For example:

    # Separate bucket per todo list
    parameters: SELECT id AS list_id FROM lists WHERE owner_id = token_parameters.user_id
      - SELECT * FROM todos WHERE bucket.list_id IN unique_identifiers

See these additional details when using the IN operator:

Client SDK


Add your array column as a text() column in your client-side schema definition:


Writing Changes

Write the entire updated column value using a string:

await db.execute('UPDATE todos set unique_identifiers = ? WHERE id = ?', [

Attention Supabase users: Supabase is able to handle writes with arrays, but you'll have to do the conversion from string to array using jsonDecode in the connector's uploadData function. The default implementation of theuploadData function doesn't handle the more complex ones like arrays automatically


The PowerSync Service treats JSON and JSONB columns as text and provides many helpers for working with JSON in Sync Rules.

Note: Native Postgres arrays, JSON arrays and JSONB arrays are effectively all equivalent in PowerSync.


JSON columns are represented as:

ADD COLUMN custom_payload json;

Sync Rules

PowerSync treats JSON columns as text and provides transformation functions in Sync Rules such as json_extract().


    # Separate bucket per todo list
    parameters: SELECT id AS list_id FROM lists WHERE owner_id = token_parameters.user_id
      - SELECT * FROM todos WHERE json_extract(custom_payload, '$.json_list') = bucket.list_id

Client SDK


Add your JSON column as a text() column in your client-side schema definition:


Writing Changes

The default implementation of uploadData in our Supabase Flutter To-Do List Demo App doesn't handle more complex types such as JSON objects automatically. Below is some example Dart code for writing JSON updates back to Supabase:

import 'dart:convert';

if (op.op == UpdateType.put) {
  var data = Map<String, dynamic>.of(op.opData!);
  ​​if (op.table == 'mytable' && data['myfield'] != null) { 
    data['myfield'] = jsonDecode(data['myfield']);
  data['id'] =;
  await table.upsert(data);
else if (op.op == UpdateType.patch) {

Bonus: Mashup

What if we had a column defined as an array of custom types, where a field in the custom type was JSON? Consider the below Postgres schema:

-- define custom type
CREATE TYPE extended_location AS (
    address_label text,
    json_address json

-- add column
ADD COLUMN custom_locations extended_location[];

Note: This section is a work in progress.

Last updated