npm: @powersync/kysely-driver

This package enables using Kysely with PowerSync React Native and web SDKs.

It gives JavaScript developers the flexibility to write queries in either JavaScript/TypeScript or SQL, and provides type-safe imperative APIs.


Set up the PowerSync Database and wrap it with Kysely.

JavaScript Setup

import { wrapPowerSyncWithKysely } from '@powersync/kysely-driver';
import { PowerSyncDatabase } from '@powersync/web';

// Define schema as in:
import { appSchema } from './schema';

export const powerSyncDb = new PowerSyncDatabase({
  database: {
    dbFilename: 'test.sqlite'
  schema: appSchema

export const db = wrapPowerSyncWithKysely(powerSyncDb);

TypeScript Setup

import { wrapPowerSyncWithKysely } from '@powersync/kysely-driver';
import { PowerSyncDatabase } from "@powersync/web";

// Define schema as in:
import { appSchema, Database } from "./schema";

export const powerSyncDb = new PowerSyncDatabase({
  database: {
    dbFilename: "test.sqlite"
  schema: appSchema,

// `db` now automatically contains types for defined tables
export const db = wrapPowerSyncWithKysely<Database>(powerSyncDb)

For more information on Kysely typing, see their documentation.

Usage Examples

Below are examples comparing Kysely and PowerSync syntax for common database operations.

Select Operations

Insert Operations

Delete Operations

Update Operations

Watched Queries

For watched queries with Kysely it’s recommended to use the watch() function from the wrapper package which takes in a Kysely query.
